Academia to Life

Why did you decide to study abroad in Florence, Italy?

Photo provided by Kersheral 

Photo provided by Kersheral 

I chose to study in Florence for numerous reasons. I’m a Communication Studies major with a love for rhetoric, and Italy is fundamental to this discipline. As such, I am learning about the Roman Rhetorical Theory at its origin. Through my study abroad I will be able to understand rhetoric at a different (and more profound) level. As part of my study abroad program, there are several excursions throughout Italy, including three days in Rome. Through these excursions I’ve been able to visit sites where rhetoricians like Cicero stood and recited speeches, speeches that changed our way of viewing the world. Additionally, I have been able to visit other historical sites including the Roman Forum, the Pantheon, Spanish Steps, and the Vatican. One of my required courses, Italian language and Culture, has helped me to learn the basics of the Italian language, as well as to create opportunities for me to engage in cultural activities. Furthermore, in Italy, I have a unique opportunity to become a public relations intern for an Art studio here, which will be beneficial to my career aspirations.

Inspiration Found Abroad

What differences have you found between the USA and Italy?

Photo provided by Kersheral 

Photo provided by Kersheral 

A key difference between Italy and the U.S. for me, is that by being here in Italy, I'm inspired to see the world and I want to be a part of it. Being in America, especially in my city, I rarely admire what is around me, and would put my earphones in my ear and continue to my destination. In Florence, I feel like there is no need to do that because there is so much to look at and I enjoy the sounds of the local bakery, watching people get gelato from the gelateria, and seeing the street performers singing opera for a euro or two.  I feel like I live in a castle in Disneyland, and the tourists are visitors seeing things for the first time, while I get to experience these things here every day. I feel safe walking to places and feel a part of my community by people welcoming me with open arms and taking the time to remember my name….instead of me always being alert and on the lookout at home.

Desire for an International Future

How has studying abroad affected how you now see your future?

Now that I have almost touched the Eiffel Tower, bike toured through Germany, been to the top of Barcelona, touched the seas of the Amalfi Coast, and so much more there is no turning back.
— Kersheral
Photo provided by Kersheral 

Photo provided by Kersheral 

Studying abroad and traveling has changed my career choices by requiring that traveling or having an international connection is needed. I love how cultures are so different and how they intertwine with my own. People are different and it is necessary to have an open mind in order to understand each other. Before, I just wanted to stay in the Los Angeles area and live a “normal life”, which would not be horrible since everything and everyone around me strives for the same thing.  Now that I have almost touched the Eiffel Tower, bike toured through Germany, been to the top of Barcelona, touched the seas of the Amalfi Coast, and so much more there is no turning back. I want to be going forward in the direction where I am a part of the world instead of watching from the sidelines watching everyone else dreams come true. A career is something that you should be able to get up every day learning something new and feeling that you are contributing to the world. And, studying abroad helped me realized how big the world is.

My Discovery of the World

How did factors of your identity influence your decision to study abroad?

Photo provided by Kersheral

Photo provided by Kersheral

Coming from a family in which higher education is viewed as an almost non-existent entity, has only served to encourage me to achieve dreams that I would never have dreamed possible. For many years, being a first generation student has hindered my abilities to imagine a life beyond the limited parameters of my family and neighborhood. I did not think that someone like me, from a poverty-stricken and crime-infested community, could have a promising future.

While in Italy, I am learning about this new culture, and upon my return home, I’ll share these experiences with others.
— Kersheral

Having the chance to study abroad is important to me personally, because growing up as I did, I could only see foreign places on the television. I would look out my window, witness crimes taking place, hear the screams of the sirens, and feel the disappointment. Growing up without adequate financial, emotional, and parental encouragement affected my belief in my ability to travel, to discover other cultures, and to gain competency beyond the confines of my neighborhood. While in Italy, I am learning about this new culture, and upon my return home, I’ll share these experiences with others. My study abroad has enriched my knowledge; expanded my education, and as a result, my perspective of the world.